Thursday, 20 April 2023

Opening Night

Rippling muscles, the bulge in your pants, and that little twinkle of lust in your eyes. 

Kiss me you fool, I think, as I lean from one side of the limo to get to your steamy hot, love lips, on mine. Saliva like wine, muscles like steal.

I slide my hand into your crotch. You jump.

The car stretches away from us like a runway, Paris, London, New York.

The driver looks back at us in the mirror. Halston, Largerfeld, McQueen, set the scene

Everybody wants to be us. That much I know, right at that moment.

Click, click, flash, flash. Click, click, flash, flash. The car pulls up.

Click, click, flash, flash. Click, click, flash, flash. Time to get out.

Click, click, flash, flash. Click, click. I steal looks at you.

Click, click, flash, flash. Click, click. You smile back at me.

“Let’s go,” you say.

“Let’s go,” I say.

The driver opens the car door.

Click, click, flash, flash. Click, click. Flash. Flash.

“Who are you wearing?” the girl with the microphone asks.

“Mark Prouse,” you say.

“Who are you wearing,” the boy with the microphone asks.

“My man’s love,” I say. It just comes out. I don’t have any labels to display.

You look back at me, you smile any way.

“You’ve come a long way on that one sex tape.” the boy with the microphone says.

“He loves me despite it.” Falls out of my mouth.

“What does the most famous man in the world, see in you?” the boy with the microphone says.

“The future,” you lean across and say.

You take my hand and lead me away. I love you at the moment more than words can say.

“Don’t worry about them. They will always be on the outside looking in.”

“Are you the most famous man in the world,” I say.

Your eyes widen.

We head through the big doors. There are handsome waiters in uniforms with trays of drinks.

The old cinema looks grand for the premier.

“Be seen, be safe,” you say.


“Got to get your face out there,” you say. “Always get your face out there.”

“Network?” I say. Like I know what I am talking about.

“Bob,” you say.

“Is this ‘the’ lovely…?”

“Yes, Bob,” you say.

“How do you feel about nudity?” asks Bob. I can feel his breath on my face.

Bob Banks says he wants me for a new slave boy epic. He whispers in my ear, “Come up to my suite at the Hyatt and I’ll test you for it.”

“He’d have you in a dog collar on all fours with a 12 inch dildo shoved up your arse,” you say. “Before you know it.”

“Is that what they say?” I ask.

“My arse still hurts when I think about it,” you whisper in my ear. Your eyes widen and you smile. “Rookie error,” you say.

Sybil Thornhill looks down her nose at me.

“Sybil, this is Mathew Walsh. Mathew, Sybil Thornhill.”

“Oh, yes, charmed,” she says. I take the hand she holds out instinctively. Momentarily I think about kissing it, but she pulls it away and we step away.

“A coke habit a mile wide looking for a rich husband so she can retire,” you say as we walk away.


“So, they say,” you reply.

“You made a movie with her, didn’t you?”

“Yes, Cougar.”

Tristan Garandolfo has a ‘who done it’ epic he wants to talk to you about. He looks at me. “Can this one string a sentence together?”

“Comes with all working parts,” you say.

“Bring him along to the audition, I’ve got a bit part he might manage.”

“DARLING!” A voice booms. Suddenly you are wrapped in feathers and black satin as a set of arms engulf you. “How is my favourite strumpet?” the owner of the feathers and black satin wails. “You’ve been working out.”

“Candy,” you say. “Unhand me before I call the police.”

“And who have we got here?” Candy turns to me. “Something delicious.” He laughs. “I know so.” He puts his hand over his mouth and says, “I’ve seen the tape too.”

I must have looked crestfallen at that remark.

“Oh hun,” says Candy. He embraces me with a huge hug and says in my ear. “I’m sorry, but you’ve just got to own it now, babe, you have no choice. You’ve got to give them fuck-you-all attitude, it’s the only way you’ll make it to the other side.” He pulls back and smiles at me.

“I’m having an after party, both of you must come, promise me,” says Candy. 

You start to say something.

“Shush,” says Candy. He puts his finger to your lips. “I won’t take no for an answer. I just won’t!”

“Yes, Candy,” you say.

“OH! Gwendoline!” Hands in the air. Candy has spotted someone else and swishes away. “I knew her when she threw knives!”

Sean Carmichael sidles up to you. The Sean Carmichael. “Great do mate. This ought to place you well, for an AFI, you lucky cunt. Bold move, you out with Junior, now the whole world has seen you ‘do’,” he does parenthesis in the air, “Junior…”

I think of Candy and say, without thinking it through, “Fuck you.”

Sean looks momentarily taken a back. “I like you already kid,” he says.

“We’re not talking about the tape,” you say.

“It’s very in, sex tapes, probably done you more good than harm, now, makes you, er, accessible…”

“I’ve always been accessible…”

“It’s got your name in the press for weeks…”

“Do you think that’s good?”

“Sure, all the bimbos and himbos will now be curious about the new movie and if its good…”

“It’s good,” you say.

“How good?” asks Sean.

“Best thing I’ve done,” you say.

“Other than him,” says Sean, pointing at me with his chin. I can’t help but think Sean is handsome. We both look at him. “Oh come on, it’s a fucken joke, and I thought a good one.”

“Ha ha,” you say.

“Fuck you,” I say.

“Tough crowd,” says Sean. Then he smiles that million dollar smile that has made the ladies want to do him and the blokes want to be him. “As I said, if the film is good, they’ll come and then they’ll tell their friends. The guy with the big dick…”

“Oh, come on,” you say.

“No, hear me out, They’ve all seen you have a huge cock, they all know you’ve got a huge cock, even the ones who haven’t seen the tape, and they’ll say, you know what, his latest film is great. It is a marketing coup, you are a fucken genius. You know it’s all about timing. It is always about fucking timing.”

The bells start to ring. 

“Show time,” says Sean. “See you in there.”

The crowd naturally starts moving towards the door.

Maggie King kisses you. The Maggie King. “Darling,” she says. “I hear you are great in this.”

You smile. “Thanks,” you say.

Delta Moore, Ginny Davis, Abracadabra Smith, and Greta Cole are standing at the cinema door with wine in hand.

“These are my TV mums,” you say to me as we get close. “All in the first soap It Takes A Village. “Ladies,” you say.

“Oh, so formal,” says Delta.

“Well, he’s a big movie start now,” says Ginny.

“Take no notice of them,” says Abby.

“Darling.” Greta Cole takes your face in the palms of her hands. She twitches her nose and her eyes well up. “We all knew you’d do this.”

Abby Smith kisses the side of your face. “I miss you, hon.”

Ginny pulls you away from the other two. “I hear you are marvellous.”

Delta takes your hand and looks at me. “And who is this?”

“Oh, don’t you know,” you say.

“Oh course, I don’t,” says Ginny.

“Introduce us,” says Greta.

“Mathew Walsh this is Delta Moore…

“Charmed,” says Delta. 

“Ginny Davis.”

Ginny smiles and nods her head. 

“Abracadabra Smith.”

“Oh darling, call me Abby.

“And Greta Cole.”


“These are my soap opera mums.”

Greta grabs you by the arm. “And he is our very favourite.”

“Come on, move along,” says the comedian, Scotty Mack.”

“Scotty, I’m not too old to take you over my knee,” says Delta.

“Let me undo my belt first,” says Scotty Mack. “I’m getting half a chub just thinking about it.”

“Scotty, you are impossible,” says Delta.

“No, very possible,” says Scotty. “Very possible.”

“I’m old enough to be your mother…”

“Scotty growls. “Just the way I like them.”

“5 minutes,” says the handsome usher, coming up behind the crowd. Red jacket. Tight black pants across his arse. “If you’d please take your seats.

Mark MacNelly grabs Gavin by the arm. “My mate Peggy Croft wants you for a centrefold in BlueBoy magazine.

“Ha ha,” you say.

“No, true offer, she has seen the tape,” says Mark MacNelly.

Mark looks at me. “I guess you could go fluffer.”

“You seem far too interested in this for a straight boy,” you say.

“I’m just the messenger,” Mark MacNally says. “I’d do anything for Peggy.”

“The session is about to start,” says the usher. “Please take your seats.”

“Let’s go in,” you say.


A tall guy catches your arm just as we head into the cinema. “I’ll say a few words at the beginning, unless you want to.

“No, Jack,” you say. “You can do the speeches.”

“I’ve got some blow, if you want a line to get through all of this.”

“No,” you say. But you change your mind as soon as you say no. “No, I will,” you say. “Have we got time.”

“There is always time,” says Jack. He stops. “Come with me.”

You and Jack head out the cinema doors again. You grab my arm at the last minute and take me with you. I love you for not leaving me behind.

We cross the foyer and Jack pushes the toilet door open. He motions for us both to go through. And we do.

Jack looks under all the cubicles and he pushes the handicapped door open on the end. He again holds the door open. We all head into the large cubicle.

“I’m Jack.” He holds out his hand.

“I’m Mathew,” I say.

He pulls a bigger bag than I expected him to pull from his suit pocket. “You are really pretty,” Jack says.

I feel my face blush hot.

The bag makes an audible crack as the press seal opens. “I could really bang you…”

“Jack!” you say. “You are not banging him.”

“That’s a fucken pity.” He tips white powder out onto the white porcelain toilet cistern. “Its two hours now, so we’ve got to get this screening going.” 

He pulls his wallet from his back pocket and selects a credit card. “The turn out is great, all the seats are filled.”

“That’s good to here,” you say.

Jack chops up three lines of white powder like a fucken champion.

“The word on the street is good.”

“Have you seen Cecilie?” you ask.

Jack pulls a fifty dollar note from his wallet. “No, fuck,” says Jack. “Where the fuck is she?”

Jack leans down and hoovers up a line in one movement. “We’ve got to find Cecilie,” he says

Jack hands the fifty dollar note to you, “Age before beauty,” and you snort the line in two snorts, one in each nostril. 

You hand the fifty dollar note to me. I lean in and snort my line up in two snorts, one in each nostril. Luckily, I had a gay uncle who taught me to snort lines with the best of them. “The kid’s a natural,” says Jack. “With an arse to die for.”

“Don’t I know it,” you say. I hear a tone of admiration in your voice. My stomach buzzes with the excitement of that.

“We better find Cecilie and get you two photographed together,” says Jack. We all leave the cubicle.

“The press still doesn’t think she and I are an item, do they?” you ask.

“Nah, your starring role with your mate here, kind of put paid to that,” says Jack.

The three of us are sniffing noticeably as we get back out into the foyer.

“Gavin, Jack,” says Cecilie, seemingly appearing from nowhere.

The bells are ringing. “We have to get shots of the two of you afterwards,” Jack says to Cecilie. “Don’t forget.”

Jack heads into the cinema.

“Cecilie this is Mathew.”

“Pleased to meet you,” says Cecilie.

“Mathew this is Cecilie.”

“Nice to meet you,” I say.

“We’d better go in,” you say.

You and Cecilie and I sit in the front row of the rear section.

Jack bounces up to the front and a woman with a headset and a clip board gives him the mike.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a really great pleasure to be here tonight to introduce my new film In My Lifetime…”

I’m really excited, I have never been to a big time movie premier before.

When the lights go down, your hand slides into my lap and takes my hand.