We are taught to hate, but not to love. Children don’t hate, children aren’t racist, they learn it from adults.
We are taught to be ashamed of ourselves and our bodies, we are never taught to appreciate the innate beauty that each of us has in simply being alive.
We are taught not to celebrate our differences, but to use them against one another. We are taught to fear and condemn and not to trust those who are different to us.
I read recently that something like 95% of women don't like their bodies. Do you think this will be transferred to the children? Do you think this is a good source of where our newly found prudishness comes from?
Women don’t like their bodies? How can they not help but to put that onto their children? I'm not really talking about the smart, switched on, educated women, but there are plenty who aren't that.
Conservative politics, religion, advertising, education, or lack there of, all have a lot to answer for.
Religion teaches us to only look to it for answers, don’t look inside, don’t think, believe what the religion tells you.
Advertising is not all that dissimilar to religion, look to it to have your needs met and your desires achieved.
We’re all terrible people, but religion and advertising will deliver you to the promised land.
Conservatives don’t want too many people educated because where might that lead? Too many people thinking for themselves to see that the conservative POV is not sustainable. Believe in god, look to the past for direction, just say no to any of those new fangled ideas.
Don’t go rocking the boat. What we have is precious, we need to protect and look after it.
And don’t go bringing in any of those people who aren’t ‘us’ from other places, because they will change who we are and we don’t want that. How on earth would we cope with all of that? It will change us. And nobody wants that.
It must be very sad being a frightened conservative who doesn’t want change.
“Oh yes, all that radical thinking, it is what is bringing down as a society.”
“Can you tell me what this radical thinking is that you speak of?”
“Anti marriage. Abortion. All this hippy nonsense. Free love, getting with whoever you want. Turning away from god. All of that.”
“Marriage has been so successful for people.”
“It is the only way society can function.”
“With a 50 % failure rate.”
“People give up so easily.”
“Marriage is a failed institution.”
“It is the bedrock…”
“To keeping women under control and the patriarchy in charge.”
“I can’t talk to you.”
“Funny that is what nearly every conservative says when they are confronted about their ideas, or lack thereof.”
“You people don’t speak sense.”
“There was a study done in America and their conclusion to the drop in the crime rate was the success of Roe vs Wade.”
“There are 65000 abortions in Australia, that is a scandal.”
“And what do you propose to do with those 65000 unwanted children?”
“Find good homes for them.”
“Every year, 65000 unwanted babies relentlessly needing homes, do you think you can find all those homes…”
“On an ongoing basis, year after year after year after year.”
“There are desperate couples wanting a child.”
“Every year, never stopping, more and more and more unwanted babies, never stopping, that you have to find homes for.”
“I can’t talk to you.”
“That is the situation for which you have to find an alternative.”
“Just because it is difficult, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try?
“I guess you don’t want to see people around here who don’t look like you?”
“Who does?”
“Who does, you say?”
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