Sunday, 27 August 2006

Done Anything Xiting Lately?

Cowboy says: hi Blake

Cowboy says: don’t pretend like ur not there

Cowboy says: i know ur there

Cowboy says: if u were bussy u wud sign out

Cowboy says: yer thats rite

Cowboy says: not just say u were away

Cowboy says: dnt they teach u that in uni???

Cowboy says: uve got a lot 2 learn

Cowboy says: child

I wandered back from the kitchen where I’d just made myself avocado and vegemite and cheese toast, a cup of tea and had poured myself a glass of red wine.

Cowboy says: oi

Blake says: I'm not even signed into msn?

Cowboy says: lol well im talkin 2 u so u must be

Blake says: don't know how that works?

Cowboy says: haha freaky deaky

Blake says: sure is

Blake says: weird, huh

Cowboy says: yer i reckon

Cowboy says: bloody msn

Cowboy says: 😊

Blake says: how r u?

Cowboy says: alrite..... burnt and tired u?

Blake says: you've been out in the sun?

Cowboy says: yer went 2 the pool and then went 2 the beach

Cowboy says: tiring day

Blake says: I'm tired from doing nothing

Cowboy says: lol is that wat u did 2day

Blake says: watched a movie, watched TV, slept.

Cowboy says: orrite wat movie didja watch?

Blake says: a Spanish one called... Y tu mamá también, about couples cheating on each other.

Cowboy says: lol... not spanglish??

Blake says: nah... where the boys in the relationship eventually get it on…

Cowboy says: ohk

Cowboy says: done anything xiting lately?

Blake says: nah

Blake says: life's boring

Blake says: done nothing

Cowboy says: lol wat bout ur friends? r they boring?

Blake says: yep

Cowboy says: lol ohk

Blake says: they all went out last night without me... and then emailed me today to tell me what a good time they had. What's that about?

Cowboy says: lol oh not very nice

Cowboy says: what’s that about?

Blake says: they didn't mean it in a bad way...

Cowboy says: they didn't mean it in a bad way?

Blake says: no.

Cowboy says: how did they mean it then?


Blake says: Oh, you know, people just think about themselves, self focussed, and they just don’t think about the other person. Just don’t expect it from mates.

Cowboy says: Poor Blake

Blake says: Ha ha, I wasn’t trying for my own pity party.

Cowboy says: Sounds to me like u were

Blake says: Ah no, I’m just good on my own and I’m just not as needy as other people and this is sometimes what happens.

Cowboy says: Big strong Blake.

Blake says: It has its good side and its bad side.

Cowboy says: And what r they?

Blake says: Sometimes it’s nice just not to be bothered, and sometimes it isn’t nice to be forgotten. There is strength in both positions

Cowboy says: wise words.

Blake says: yeah, that's me full of strength and wisdom.

Cowboy says: that’s why I like chatting to u 😀

Blake says: Ha ha

Saturday, 26 August 2006

Being Gay

Estimates of the incidence of homosexuality vary considerably with the definition of what homosexuality actually is. Some consider its most important aspect to be sexual behaviour between members of the same sex, while others stress inclination or orientation. The definitions can be described as same-sex sexual activity, same-sex sexual inclination, and same-sex sexual identity. These may be further broken down as sexual behaviour that may occur among persons of the same sex who do not identify as homosexual. Individuals who identify as same-sex loving are not always sexually active, although they normally are, whether due to necessity, circumstances, or personal choice. A person may have same-sex sexual thoughts or inclinations without ever acting on them, or regarding themselves as having a same-sex sexual orientation. But generally, it must be said, that is is sexual behaviour that is the defining aspect.

Once same-sex desire or behaviour has been singled out for attention, and especially negative attention, the question naturally arises: What makes people same-sex attracted? For many years the common assumption, shared by many scientists and actively encouraged by religious communities, was that the “normal” human sexual orientation is exclusively for the opposite sex. Sexual studies carried out during, and after, the mid twentieth century led psychologists and doctors to recognise homosexuality as a legitimate orientation of its own. Since then similar acceptance has grown for non-exclusive orientations, such as bisexuality.

The general understanding, by some scientists, is that rather than a single cause being involved, there is instead a combination of factors that act to determine each individuals sexual orientation – as with any human emotion. Nurture, nature, or some combination of the two are often thought to determine human sexual behaviour.

Other schools of thought say that they don't know what the reason is. While other experts say what does it matter. Do we have great scientific study into what causes heterosexuality?

The causes of sexual orientation have been the subject of much discussion and research, with little conclusive evidence. Usually, research on sexual orientation has been focused on the reasons for homosexuality, obviously because the world tends to view itself as straight.

The experience of those who identify as gay, suggests that sexual orientation is set in early childhood and maybe in some individuals set even earlier.

In surveys of gay men and lesbians, the majority assert that they were born gay. Most report that they knew they were "different from the other boys and girls" from an early age, often by puberty and not uncommonly before. This kind of anecdotal evidence is considered by many to be strongly indicative of the likelihood that orientation is not a choice. Instances of individuals stating that they chose to be gay are extremely rare to nonexistent.

Many gay men and lesbians, after they have “come out” to their family, friends and the world in general report in surveys that they would not want to change their sexual orientation.

Some people, primarily Christians, but conservatives too, advocate the view that people's sexual orientation follows from their behaviour. That is, if they try homosexual acts, they might like them and thereby acquire a same-sex-attracted orientation. Many gay people would counter this argument by saying “if only it was that simple.” In fact, some also believe that a heterosexual orientation is formed in the same way, and that the only genetic element is in the basic underlying sexual desire.

Of course, there is strong evidence that “religious types” would say whatever it takes to uphold their particular religious views.

Some people who identify as “straight” may have occasional interest in members of their own sex. Likewise, many people who identify as “gay”, or who might prefer same sex activities or relationships, have engaged in heterosexual activities or even have long-term heterosexual relationships. Such heterosexual behaviour by people who otherwise show same sex attraction has often been part of concealing one's same sex orientation. This is probably becoming less common as acceptance of same sex attraction increases.

Sexual activity with a person of the same sex, does not necessarily demonstrate same sex orientation, but is considered same-sex-attracted behaviour. Not all who are attracted to, or have sexual relationships with members of the same sex, identify themselves as same-sex-attracted or even bisexual. Some people frequently have sex with members of the same sex yet still see themselves as heterosexual. It is important therefore to distinguish between same-sex-attracted behaviour, same-sex attraction, and same-sex-attracted identity, which need not be the same thing. For example, people in prison, the military, the clergy, or other sex-segregated environments may engage in situational same-sex behaviour despite being opposite-sex orientated outside these environments. In addition, some people engage in same-sex behaviours for reasons other than desire. Examples are male prostitutes who earn money by having sex with other men. While some male prostitutes are homosexual, a significant number are not.

Various forms of same-sex sexual activity is prohibited under law in many countries. Usually, though not always, such laws are termed sodomy laws, but also include issues such as age of consent laws, "decency" laws, and so forth. Laws prohibiting same-sex sexuality have varied widely throughout history, varying by culture, religious and social taboos and customs, etc. Often such laws are targeted or applied differently based on gender as well. For example, laws against same-sex sexual behaviour in England during the reign of Queen Victoria, sodomy or buggery laws were aimed specifically at male same-sex sexual activity and did not target or even address female same-sex sexual activity.


Many early civilisations, such as those of ancient Greece and Rome, accepted same-sex behaviour as normal. In general, they did not make a distinction between homosexuality and heterosexuality as orientations. Homosexual and heterosexual responses were considered to both be natural and normal feelings that manifest to a greater, or lesser, degree in different individuals.

Ancient Greece gives us the earliest western documents concerning same sex relationships. In ancient Greece, same-sex relationships were a societal norm. Certainly, these relationships did not replace marriage between man and woman, but occurred before and beside it.

There is a long history of same-sex marriages in the western world. Many early western societies tolerated it. Surprisingly, they even celebrated same sex relationships. There are some evidence of same-sex marriages in ancient Rome. They can also be traced in ancient Greece, and even in medieval Europe. There are also some other evidences of Same-sex unions among Native Americans and Africans.

For example, the Emperor Nero is reported to have married, at different times, two other men in wedding ceremonies. Other Roman Emperors are reported to have done the same thing.

The increasing influence of Christianity, which promoted marriage for procreative purposes, is linked with the increasing intolerance of homosexuality in Rome.

The Greek civilisation considered it quite normal for young men to have older male mentors with whom sexual interaction was common.

In Europe during Hellenic times, the relationships between Greek men and youths who had come of age were analogous to marriage in several aspects. The age of the youth was similar to the age at which women married – the mid-teen – and the relationship could only be undertaken with the consent of the father. This consent, just as in the case of a daughter's marriage, was contingent on the suitor's social standing. The relationship, just like a marriage, consisted of very specific social and religious responsibilities, and also had an erotic component.

Similar examples can be found in Rome too, with well known "writings," in which a common acceptance of younger male, older male sexual activity is described. There was no serious debate about the causes of sexual orientation, because generally people were free to follow their personal inclinations.

There is much evidence that shows that same sex sexual desire has been recorded from ancient times in the east. This desire is the reason behind same-sex unions, usually between men. It often included some difference in age. Information on relationships among women in ancient times is very rare, may be because women were not afforded equal status with men, so that, while men were free to pursue sexual and romantic pleasure both within and without marriage, women often were not.

Male love was encouraged in China, especially in the southern province of Fujian. Men would even marry youths in elaborate ceremonies. The marriages were long lasting. At the end of this marriage the elder partner would help the younger find a wife so that he can settle down to raise a family.

Is there any examples of homosexual relationships in the history? Of course there are! But, the sexual orientation of pre-modern figures is a topic of intense controversy. It may be accepted, for example, that the sex lives of historical figures such as Alexander the Great, Plato, Hadrian, Virgil, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Christopher Marlowe included or were centred upon relationships with people of their own gender. Terms such as homosexual or bisexual might be applied to them in that sense. But many regard this as risking the anachronistic introduction of a modern social construction of sexuality that is foreign to their times. For example, their societies might have focused upon the sexual role one took in these encounters, namely active, passive, both, or neither, as a key social marker. This particular system of designation is currently the norm in many areas of Latin America.

Some historians have claimed that same-sex marriage has been documented in many societies that were not subject to Christian influence. In North American, among the Native American societies, it has taken the form of two-spirit-type relationships, in which some members of the tribe elect to take on female gender with all its responsibilities.

They are prized as wives by the other men in the tribe, who enter into formal marriages with these two-spirit men.

In Africa, among the Azande of the Congo, men would marry youths for whom they had to pay a bride-price to the father. These marriages likewise were understood to be of a temporary nature.

The Hebrew Old Testament clearly indicates that King David had a sexual relationship with Jonathan, the son of King Saul. Much to the embarrassment of the Vatican, the Catholic theologian Boswell has uncovered proof that, up until the fourteenth century, the church was routinely performing wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples. King James, who ordered the English translation of the Bible which bears his name, was a homosexual, a fact of which the translators were well aware. This fact displeased them, but since he was the king, they could not express their displeasure openly. Although on the surface, they were careful to be certain that their translation flattered and pleased the king, they also used it to attack him in a way he could not fight.

Friday, 25 August 2006

Taught To...

We are taught to hate, but not to love. Children don’t hate, children aren’t racist, they learn it from adults.

We are taught to be ashamed of ourselves and our bodies, we are never taught to appreciate the innate beauty that each of us has in simply being alive. 

We are taught not to celebrate our differences, but to use them against one another. We are taught to fear and condemn and not to trust those who are different to us.

I read recently that something like 95% of women don't like their bodies. Do you think this will be transferred to the children? Do you think this is a good source of where our newly found prudishness comes from?

Women don’t like their bodies? How can they not help but to put that onto their children? I'm not really talking about the smart, switched on, educated women, but there are plenty who aren't that.

Conservative politics, religion, advertising, education, or lack there of, all have a lot to answer for.

Religion teaches us to only look to it for answers, don’t look inside, don’t think, believe what the religion tells you.

Advertising is not all that dissimilar to religion, look to it to have your needs met and your desires achieved.

We’re all terrible people, but religion and advertising will deliver you to the promised land.

Conservatives don’t want too many people educated because where might that lead? Too many people thinking for themselves to see that the conservative POV is not sustainable. Believe in god, look to the past for direction, just say no to any of those new fangled ideas.

Don’t go rocking the boat. What we have is precious, we need to protect and look after it.

And don’t go bringing in any of those people who aren’t ‘us’ from other places, because they will change who we are and we don’t want that. How on earth would we cope with all of that? It will change us. And nobody wants that.

It must be very sad being a frightened conservative who doesn’t want change.

“Oh yes, all that radical thinking, it is what is bringing down as a society.”

“Can you tell me what this radical thinking is that you speak of?”

“Anti marriage. Abortion. All this hippy nonsense. Free love, getting with whoever you want. Turning away from god. All of that.”

“Marriage has been so successful for people.”

“It is the only way society can function.”

“With a 50 % failure rate.”

“People give up so easily.”

“Marriage is a failed institution.”

“It is the bedrock…”

“To keeping women under control and the patriarchy in charge.”

“I can’t talk to you.”

“Funny that is what nearly every conservative says when they are confronted about their ideas, or lack thereof.”

“You people don’t speak sense.”

“There was a study done in America and their conclusion to the drop in the crime rate was the success of Roe vs Wade.”

“There are 65000 abortions in Australia, that is a scandal.”

“And what do you propose to do with those 65000 unwanted children?”

“Find good homes for them.”

“Every year, 65000 unwanted babies relentlessly needing homes, do you think you can find all those homes…”


“On an ongoing basis, year after year after year after year.”

“There are desperate couples wanting a child.”

“Every year, never stopping, more and more and more unwanted babies, never stopping, that you have to find homes for.”

“I can’t talk to you.”

“That is the situation for which you have to find an alternative.”

“Just because it is difficult, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try?

“I guess you don’t want to see people around here who don’t look like you?”

“Who does?”

“Who does, you say?”


Monday, 21 August 2006

The 7 Signs of Man

Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Anger, Envy, Pride…

Who are we kidding? Sins? That’s who we are, through and through. That's what makes us human.

I can see them all with our straw-coloured hair boy Jason in his fotty – oops, ha ha, it is only frotty shorts when he is lying face down on his bed, rubbing his crotch into the bed clothes thinking about buddy James’ big cock in the shower after his western suburbs footy practise – footy shorts, the ones he's had since year 12 and which are now straining a bit at the seams.

Lust... he's got half a woody.

Gluttony... he's eaten way too many fish and chips and the top button is undone and the elastic band of his undies is visible.

Greed... he's running bare foot down the street towards home with armfuls of food bags, his arse looking even more pert than usual as he runs into the distance.

Sloth... laying on the couch comatose, his legs spread, akimbo, for the world to see.

Anger... every muscle in his bare torso taught, his waist narrow, his undies showing above his shorts, as he rages against the world.

Envy... his hand down the front of his shorts rubbing his hardon wantonly as he gazes off into the distance.

Pride... walking back up from a dip in the ocean, his wet shorts hugging all of his manly lumps in his shorts, leaving very little to the imagination. When that fat slug bounces around because he's taken his undies off for the swim as the wet elastic chaffs around his balls and across his arse.

“Hey, my eyes are up here,” he says with a smile.

“Jason, go and put some underwear on before your Aunt Jilly sees you and makes a comment.”

“I don’t care if Aunt Jilly makes a smart arsed comment about my todger.”

“Well, I do, Jason. Go and get changed.”

“Oh, Jesus fuck.”

“All the girls will be here soon and none of them want to see that.”

“How do you know? Ha, mum?”

“I know.”

“I’ll have you know there has been a few girls who have been very interested in seeing it.”

“Maybe that is so, sweet heart, but none of your sisters, or your cousins do, let me assure you, so go and get changed before they get here. There’s a good boy.”

Jason grumbles.

“And then come and help me, I have things I want you to do.”