Wednesday, 17 March 2010

What Do I Reckon?

What do I reckon? I reckon the world is doomed and life sucks! (for a lot of people, anyway) That's what I reckon!

And I also reckon that I’m pretty lucky. Loving parents. Happy childhood. Good education. Good inheritance. Don’t know what the minimum wage people are doing? Crying, I suspect.

I'm getting older day by day and it's all slipping away, faster than ever. I guess mid forties isn't that old, but some days, you know what, it feels like it. It's frightening how fast it is all heading away, gone. 20s. 30s. 40s. Sometimes, I just want it to stop for a minute, so I can catch my breath, but no that's just not how life is.

Keep up, stay awake, keep on track, keep at it, keep striving, keep scratching at the walls of the salt mines. Keep stashing it away, as old age is now user pays. Retire later, now it is nearly 70 because the politicians keep fucking it up, too many political donors to repay to make plans for the everyday man to retire comfortably.

You only get one shot at it.

Just the one.

Fuck me!

Coming through!

Find a recording of Patsy Cline, Stop The World And Let Me Off, and give it a play. Play it again. And after that, play it again.

And I have enough bread, to make the rate of shit I eat less for myself personally in the shit sandwich some people say is life.

But big business wants to pay everyone less, irrelevant of profits. No one is getting a pay rise. We have to pay the CEO’s too much.

Conservative govts want to ignore climate change, as they want us all to ignore climate change.

So, unless you are really lucky, good brain, wealthy parents, you are most likely to die poor choking on the planet’s atmosphere, certainly your children will.

That’s what I think.

Free education. Free medical. A robust welfare system. These are the things to make life better for many. And the lucky country had them once, what happened to them? Conservative politicians took them away.

What do the people who live pay check to pay check do? Not a lot, I reckon. And life goes so quickly and you have no money with which to grab on to it, and you have blown your one shot. 

It’s not how it should be?

We need more equality and less tax cuts for the rich.

That’s what I think.

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