Friday, 21 April 2006

Lets Go Dancing

It was a short week and it just flew by until today, which seemed like three days by the time we got to the end of it. I was because I didn't have much to do, isn’t that the way, busy is always better to get through the day at the salt mine. I should have just taken the afternoon off, but by the time I thought of it, it was 4.30 and there did seem to be much point.

But now it's over, so what do I care.

Let's go dancing.

Friday night is my night out of choice, now. That way I have two days to recover and not just one. If I go out on Friday night, when I come-to it is Sunday morning. If I go out Saturday night, the next thing I seem to know is that it is Monday morning.

No! That’s not the way.

It kind of spoils the whole thing.

But waking up Sunday morning, it doesn't, really, matter how you feel, you've got 24 hours to pull it together.

I met up with Matt after work. He met me at my work. We went and ate pasta in Bourke Street, you know, get it in quick so it has time to process, leaving enough time for an empty stomach.

Matt looked his cute self, naturally. We saw Andy and George they were showing some friends around the city, and looking for some where to eat. I think they may have wanted Matt and I to join them, but I wasn’t in the mood to be too social.

Oh, I don’t know, when I’m am going out to have a big night that is all I can really concentrate on. It’s kind of my meditative state to get myself mentally prepared for the evening ahead. I can’t do extraneous conversations and be on for other people. I have to conserve my energy just for me. Okay, that might sound selfish and maybe it is but there is a difference between selfish and self conserving behaviour.

So, we finished our pasta meals, you know, good carbohydrates for energy later in the day. We ran off down Bourke Street towards home all abuzz with excitement. 

And then we were in for the wait before we could go out. Of course, we luxuriated in showers and shaving and clippering and moisturising, it was a little late for fake tan, but I slapped some on, but I wacked some on anyway letting it set while I was doing everything else.

It was just jeans and a t-shirt for me, Matt wore the same thing, but he had a vest as well.

We didn’t want to go out until after midnight, so we had to wait an hour, or so after we’d finished getting ourselves ready.

We were only going to the Squeal, so we didn’t have far to go when we finally headed out the door. 

We did lines around 11.30pm and we took pills just before we left. Then we drank plenty of water.

We got there just before 1am. I love that feeling when I first get there, that “WOOF” of music and heat and sweat and people. And it all going off.

I got drinks at the bar, Matt stood behind me. Then it was straight onto the dance floor. Our pills started kicking in pretty quicky so we danced and danced.

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