My ex-girlfriend, Leah, sent me two books to read. The Life of Pi and The Five People You are Most Likely to Meet in Heaven. Of course, she believes in all that heaven bullshit, so I guess she'd have an easier time of a book like that. She says Life of Pi was one of the greatest books she'd read. I couldn't get into it, not really.
I don’t think the heaven myth should continue being spread to kids especially. Let kids chose, if they want to, after the age of 18, but until that age, they should be free of Christian indoctrination. Leah, and I, have had this conversation, which is the only reason I mention it.
Leah has, unfortunately, become so much bossier over the years, some would say overbearing, having risen up to run corporations, she really runs her friends as she would her support staff now a days, which can be tedious, especially as she is pretty much oblivious to it. So, you know, sending me books is less of a nice thing to do and more of a demand that I read them.
I think I may have made some comment at some point that my reading has fallen away. So, of course, Leah has stepped in to solve the problem.
I know when my marijuana smoking is up, my reading falls away. I can't read when I'm stoned. As much as I may want to, I should just give up on the idea and lie in front of the fire in a bean bag and, perhaps, a foot masseur. Perhaps a drink with an umbrella, although at this time of year when summer is over, maybe a Bloody Mary instead.
I can read when I am stoned, actually, it's just that I don't remember any of it. I get to the end of a chapter and? No idea?
My mate, Benny says, "Remembering is so over rated. Shall I roll?"
Leah will chastise me for my pot habit telling me it is a weakness, a flaw in my character, quite happily as she quaffs down a couple of bottles of red to give me the lecture, completely oblivious to what she is doing, let’s face it, double standard, but that’s Leah.
She worries about my literary up-keep, so she says. I think she just has control issues. And she worries about my teeth. We both have periodontal problems. And, of course, my smoking. We both used to be very good smokers and have both quit. Although, for a while there, we’d both revert to smoking whenever we got together, which, of course, she has always blamed on me. Naturally. Which kind of goes against her superior qualities, attitude, don’t you think? So easily influence, blah, blah, blah. But who am I to judge?
She takes the, I'll-look-like-a-hag-at-forty-if-I-keep-smoking, approach. It’s not beyond her to point out the crow's feet that I never used to have. The two of us being sweethearts at the age of 16, and unblemished.
Matt kisses me and says where, whenever I bring up wrinkles with him.
So, I don’t really see her as much as I used to. We were great once together, but seriously, that was a long time ago.
I thought we’d be friends until the end, I thought we’d make lovely old people together, with so many years of memories, but maybe not. I don't know? Maybe we won't. After all these years, it seems a bit of a shame.
The summer of our relationship ended years ago, now it is just the winter of our discontent. Except there is no throne in our case, except the one Leah currently sits on, of course. Of course.
You’d think it would suggest unhappiness on Leah’s behalf, but apparently not. She is happily married. Stu seems like a nice guy, of course, Leah has completely rearranged his life, personally and professionally, but a nice guy none the less. He toes the line, I guess.
They got married on my birthday, which caused our friendship group to collectively roll their eyes. I think the sentiment was that she still can’t let Jacob go. But, that was many years ago, so many that I guess they have proved their relationship a success. Master and subordinate. Boss and employee. Ha ha, that’s just me being bitchy.
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