Monday, 13 April 2015

I Am Not A Robot

I've transferred this blog today, with my bulldog against my left leg and my boyfriend, Mat, at his laptop next to me.

I have created so many posts that blogger now makes me prove I am not a robot every time I make a new entry. I love the test words I have to retype to prove I am not a robot, whatever that means, they make me laugh. I started writing them down about half way through.

Oolly is the word. A good name for a nerd. Does he have hair in ringlets like Shirley Temple, or would that be more likely to be black dreads hanging down his back? His name is Sasha. I think the later, unless of course, he surfed too, then it would be the former. Yes, definitely.

Or was it Nareen? Or is that where they are from? A lovely farming community just an hour out of Melbourne. Their parents still live there, they go home for Xmas and birthdays. They never forget the oceans views of home.

The things you have to say to prove you are not a robot, it has come to this, who'd have thought. I'm not even sure what a robot does on blogger, but it makes no never mind.

Oh, have a coffee instead, match the pictures, which are the same. All that coffee is going to my head.

Or maybe bread? Ah bread, the stuff of life, with some cheese and some grapes and maybe some pear paste, if you want to be right on note. On trend, is that what they say for tragic fashionistas?

I see red... or is that just a cut on my head?

Now it is Baily, instead. Blond and handsome, and ruggedly fit.

ctess... cute as a button, in a white cotton dress.

Baily ctess undress... he's olost in her pubic patch, as her summer dress falls to her feet.

they eat bread when tess is naked, sitting on her peach

they drink wine from mugs, which dribble down baily's chin

tess calls baily locia as she unbuttons his shirt

tess wants to eat bailey's steak, something she knows she is good at, despite her innocent look

then she doexp'd him

and he ageki with delight

and he yonsums on her stomach with a deep groan

tersg was the sound bailey's handmade rubbing his skin

then bailey took tess in his arms and they rthea together

until there is gisco all over both of them

bailey lent down and licked tess' funge, she squirmed

and he ediqued her out

until she relemed.

She had never felt that before.

(Feel free to make tess a boy, in fact, I encourage you to.)

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