Friday, 30 April 2010

That Can't Be Good

I saw a guy jogging, as I was heading over to a friend's place. He had an athletic build and muscular legs in dark blue shorts with white stripes down the side, which I thought looked good on him. 

But, he had work boots on his feet. 

WTF?, I thought.

Then I realised it was Jethro.

“Hey, Jethro, what you got on your feet, boy?”

“I gotta keep runnin’ if I want to make the team.”

“Yes, but Jethro what have you got on your feet?”

“I gotta make the grade this season, that way Inga will go with me to the end of year ‘do’.”

“That’s all well and good, Jethro, but what are you runnin’ in?”

“I like Inga and Inga likes footy players, so Arnold tells me.”

“Yes, yes, Inga the blond, very nice, but what the hell are you runnin’ in those shoes for?”

“I like Inga, so I gotta keep runnin’”

“Jethro, where are your runnin’ shoes, boy?”

“My runnin’ shoes?”

“Yes, your runnin’ shoes? Where are your runnin’ shoes?”

“Oh, you mean me Nike Airs?”

“Yes, Jethro, where are your Nike Airs?”

“Oh, Billy-Ray’s got them.”

“Billy-Ray’s got them?”

“Yes, Billy-Ray’s got them.”

“Why has Billy-Ray got your runnin’ shoes, Jethro?”

“It's all about training and Rita Row.”

“Rita Row?”

“Does the catering at the footy with Inga.”

“The dark-haired one?”

“Yep, with the pretty smile.”

“Does she like footy players too?”

“Why do you think she does the catering?”

“Is this also according to Arnold?”

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“Oh, just a lucky guess, I, er, guess,” I said. “But what’s with the shoes?”

“Oh, Billy-Ray couldn’t find his trainers?”

“So, why does he have yours.”

“Oh, you know.”

“Ah, no, I don’t know.”

“For training.”

“But don’t you train with him?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“And he’s got yours?”


“So, how’s he off for jocks and socks then?”

“Yeah, he wears my socks & jocks too.”

“You guys will be sleeping together next?”

“Oh, come on, let’s not have any of that talk…”

“When he’s getting into your undies…”

“Yeah, but I’m not in them at the time.”

“You seem to be getting very close.”

“Yeah, Billy-Ray and I are, and you know if I was gonna go gay for anyone…”

“It would be Billy-Ray.”

“You know, lots of folks would tell you he’s a good sort, you know, the girls mostly, but I’m sure not always… er, girls…”

“Anyone in the footy club?”

“And ya know, I could do a lot worse than Billy, but you know hairy arses, and kissing a stubble chins, I just couldn’t see it.” Jethro laughed. “Not that I have ever thought about kissing Billy-Ray.”

“So why has he got your trainers?”

“Oh, he thought they were his, it was all a mistake. He took mine thinking they were his for training Monday arvo.”

“So, what are you doing out here jogging in your boots?”

“Oh, I just felt like a run, clear my head.”

“I bet you cursed Billy.”

“Oh yeah, there was some cursing involved, but what can you do, what’s done is done.”

“Why didn’t you go and get them?”

“He’s out with Rita Row.”

“So, he’s got past interest stage then?”

Jethro looked at his watch. “He may well have got past first base by this time.” Jethro laughed.

“So, you and Inga then.”

“Yeah, me and Inga, we’ve got a date Saturday night.”

“So that’s got past just interest too?”

“Yeah, first step towards the end of year ‘do’ for me and her. The date Saturday night.”

“Yeah, I knew what you meant.”

“I was dateless last year…”

“I see. You’re putting in some planning for this year.”

“So, anyway, I’d better keep running, working on my boyish figure for Saturday night.”

“Well, be careful in those boots.”

“Yeah, Josh, sure will.”

“That can’t be good for you.”

“You gotta do what you gotta do.”

“I guess.”

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