Tuesday, 26 May 2015

A Sick Mind

A sick mind, is a good thing, it will think of interesting things, it will make the world have greater spin, it will make beige look even more beige than it did before, when you compare it with sick thing law. 

A sick mind is never bad, or even sad, but it could indeed be plaid. It is creativity had. It is black, yes it is, funny to its life enhancing knees, serious enough to make you say gee, turning convention on its ears, just for the colour and the cheers, making life more interesting by half, even providing a laugh.

And it makes the conservatives shit their pants, which can only be a good thing, watch them dance, at all the things that they can’t chance, what’s against their sentimental epitaph, looking forward, not looking back, which makes the conservatives quack, quack, quack, quack and quack.

Then we can laugh and laugh and laugh, as progressive thoughts flood the world, making life better for all concerned, new things, interesting things, things of beauty, and things to learn, and the world is free of all that negative churn, and we all move forward, kicking off the faux shackles of conservative concern.

A sick mind makes us laugh, makes us suck in breath and makes us think, gives us beautiful things, writes us stories that makes us glow, paints us pictures that light up the world, and poetry that makes our hearts explode.

Conservative thinking only ever says no.

Unless it is some aspirational idea of wealth 

Never for society’s health

Or some other way of getting ahead, 

bugger you Jack you bought poverty on yourself,

nothing to do with my privileged place in this,

then they say yes.

Fly high, painting pictures in the sky, even if they are only in your mind, tangerine flies, pumpkin coloured spies, with purple thighs, and magenta eyes, that so easily cry, when we have scarlet coloured good byes.

When somebody dies

Sucked up to the sky, so those idiot conservatives would cry,

(that’s call out to the world, and not tears, you understand)

And we all asked why? 

Is it just more conservative lies?

They are the sickiest minds of all?

With their stories so tall?

Telling people how things are,

When they are not like that at all.

But let’s not dally too long at the bullshit wall.

We want to cartwheel away, one and all,

Like umbrellas in a twirl,

As the rain drops stall.

As we pirouette into a plie and start to laugh.

And point,

Poking holes in reality,

So that good intensions seep out,

All over the ground, until we are standing ankle deep in goodness

Causing us to yell love and happiness for all.

It takes a really sick mind to say that we are all equal, one and all,

You would have to agree.


Such dangerous talk.

Only a really sick mind can imagine where that might lead.

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