Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Belinda, the Cuntless

Belinda has no cunt, she stopped eating and it fell out.
Then it chased her down the street, clacking 
at her heals, with its big yellow teeth. 

Its red, red gums, swollen like the tyres from a cartoon car's wheels, making her teeth look like the saddest picket fence you ever did see, unevenly spread and wobbling dangerously.

She was like a barbie doll down there, the biggest hole of despair,
bones sticking through her skin, places for disease to get in.
A crunch, crunch here and a clack, clack there, between her legs nothing but air. 

Bones a walking barely holding true, and mouth that never stops talking, not for me, not for you. Yap, yap, yap. Yap, yap, yap, debilitation has not reduced her mastication of hot air.

Nobody loved her, it was all despair.

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