Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Never Say You Are Sorry

Never say you are sorry.


No never.


You can never admit such defeat. You'd be a gonna.

A gonna?

Dead. Death. Trampled by all the others. The stronger ones, who would never admit defeat.

Dog eat dog?

Yes, that’s right. Dog eat dog.

A gonna you say?

Yes, a gonna in every way.

Every way?

Yes, every way. You wouldn’t make it out.

Never Make it out?

Never make it out.

Never make it out?

Forget it.

Forget it?

That’s right.

In every way?

A gonna.

Dog eat dog?

Dog eat dog.

Never say you are sorry?


If I want to make it out of here?

If you want to make it out of here!

Make it out of Poor Town?

You’ll never do it.

If I say sorry?

If you show any sign of weakness, you are here for life.

Stuck in Poor Town?

Believe me when I say it.

Believe you?

Well, you don’t have to believe me.

I don’t have to believe you?

Believe Bewildered Johnny or Narco Nancy.

Johnny and Nancy?

Believe Hatchet Harry or Nelly the Knife.

Harry and Nelly?

They said sorry.

They said sorry?

And look at them now.

Stuck in Poor Town?

Stuck in Poor Town.

With the scammers still picking their bones?

Like Vultures!

Ripping away the flesh?

Ripping away the flesh.

Because they said sorry?

When they should have said get out of my fucking way.

Out of my way?

That’s what they should have said.

To get out of here?

To get out of Poor Town

To get out of Poor Town?

They should have stepped forward.

Stepped forward?

On and over anyone who was in the way.

Over those who were in the way?

It is the only way

The only way?

To get out of here.

Poor Town?

The only way out.

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