I thought this was a family site, commented one of the punters.
What on this earth made him think that?... other than wishful thinking.
It's funny how just because the government uses the "family" platform and just because marketers use the "family" platform to increase their respective market shares, with, or without, actually giving a damn about families, the general public, hoodwinked as usual, thinks that the world is family orientated. It almost borders on arrogance. No, really.
Let me give you the heads up, nearly the same number of people in society don't have kids as do and those who don't have different ideas to child friendly family values.
If you choose to have kids, great, that is your choice, but don't expect the rest of the world to be responsible for your choices.
The rest of us have different values.
So, enjoy your kids, I am sure they will be a great comfort to you when you are old.
But, here’s something that might surprise you about how the rest of us think about your kids today, nyr.
“I thought this was a family show?”
“It has never been a family show.”
“But I want to bring my child?”
“It is strictly18 years and over.”
“But that is discrimination, you can’t do that?”
“The show is not suitable for children.”
“But that is very inconvenient.”
“We have never represented our show in any other way.”
“But I want to bring my baby.”
“You can’t bring your baby.”
“But, I want to.”
“Yes, we understand what you are saying, however we suggest you get a baby sitter.”
“I am reporting you to the authorities, for discrimination and I am going to the press, with my outrage. I am going to make a big fuss.”
“Oh really, that is a surprise.”
“I’m a mother, you don’t understand.”
“I think we are getting the picture.”
“I’m not going to be treated like this.”
“So, you are saying.”
“I want to speak to your manager.”
“I am the manager.”
“This is outrageous.”
“Think of the other patrons, madame.”
“Why? Nobody is thinking about me.”
“I think we are done here.”
“You haven’t heard the last of this.”
“I think I got that, madame.”
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