I stayed up late watching YouTube. Tucked up in my bed, with my lap-top on my lap catching up on my English soap, Emerdale. I love the two gay boys.
You gotta luv it, tucked up in bed at night.
So, I took a sickie, you know, as you do, the next day. Actually, I don't take many sickies, it doesn't normally occur to me, stupid me, but sometimes you've just got to, it's called mental health. We should all be encouraged to take our sick leave, I'm sure we'd be a far less sick society if we did.
Oh, life is so meant to be enjoyed. My accounting firm could do without me for a day. The workers should not feel guilty taking their sick leave, otherwise you are just contributing towards the partners new Mercedes. Instead of doing journals, I did lunch instead.
So, the thought of taking a sick day starts with just a little kernel of a thought. And because we have had it drummed into us from a you age, to cut a long story short, not to take sickies, to man up and go to work, it is a process. Think it, getting over saying no to that, and then building up to it, and in my case eventually just picking up the phone and dialling and saying, I’m not coming in, with out thinking about it anymore. And Tum di da, I’ve taken the day off, and all that stress about taking the day off just seeps away.
And then I always feel, what can only be described as a kind of euphoria, having made a decision and having taken control of my life.
And then there is a feeling of blissful calm, having the day to myself to do whatever I want, just tinged with that slight feeling of naughtiness, that minuscule thought of having got away with something. That is bliss.
If anything, we have all been conditioned to side with the company, to side with the boss. Think of the economy? Think of a world if everybody took a sick day? Think how society would break down? Think where that would lead us all? Half way to lawlessness, half way to hell, half way to everything we hold dear sliding down the proverbial drain.
Well, that is a lovely piece of propaganda, politicians, and bosses, and captains of industry. How you have most of us sucked right in. How you have most of the people fooled most of the time. Well played. Bravo to you.
Think of all the men who have risked everything they have to make society better for all of us? Oh, seriously? Fuck off, is all I can say.
I sit up in bed with my laptop and the remote, drinking coffee and eating toast with honey, and I can't help but thinking what a clever boy am I.
Take a sickie and feel good about yourself! I call out to the universe.
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