Monday 4 April 2011

She'll Be Scaring Small Children Soon

Belinda looks terrible, but what anorexic doesn't. She looks like a cadaver walking.

She'll be scaring small children soon.

Fuck, she scares me. Although, that may have more to do with the fact of having a mental defective in charge of me than how sad and ugly she truly has become.

I wonder if she enjoys being the office bitch? She seems like she does, the way she weilds her power. 

"No minion dare speak back to me, as I will bring them down with my anorexic death stare."

Leave them standing at the door, they'll wait some and then they'll wait some more. She's the boss, it gives her power. Sad really, when you think about it.

When she left me standing there at her office door, over an extended period of time, I'm sure just so it made her feel like she had a big, gorgeous cunt, when she looked up, I just wanted to look her in the eye and ask, Belinda, do you think anorexia is someone hating themselves, or do you think it is the only way that person knows how to gain control over their lives?

Of course, I should be feeling sorry for her, but she was always a bitch, even before she got sick. It, actually, didn't take illness to make her an awful person, she always was unpleasant.

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