Saturday 4 March 2006

Farting About

I was doing my computer art. I smoked pot all morning. Lost in it. Lovely!

At 2pm, I decided that I just had to get up and go to mum's, as I'd told her I'd be over. And I stood her up last weekend. So, I got ready and left.

When I was nearly there, I remembered that she said she was going out in the afternoon. Doh! Idiot! What a waste of time, served me right. But, I was nearly there, might as well pop in just in case she was home after all.

She wasn’t.

Now what did I come over here for, oh clearly the lawn. The lawn was in desperate need of a cut. My pace quickened. I got over my alarm phobia by marching right into the house and shutting the damn thing off. There! Done. Don’t be such a pussy in future.

I cut the lawn, quick as a flash. It’s not that easy either, as her front yard is terraced, four terraces to be exact. And there is a pond with gold fish. Not so many gold fish now a days though, just a couple.

After I was done, I sat in the kitchen and ate her cake and drank some tea. Then I and got out quick... before she got home.

There, done, now Mat and I can go out tonight. Yeah.

Right attitude, you question?

I visited. I can't help it if mum wasn't home.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my mum, she is the best mum in the world, but, I can’t have her cutting into my pot smoking time, now can I? Ha ha. You've got to get your priorities right in this world, if you are going to get anywhere?

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